Aira Shiratori is a student at Kami High School, introduced in Dandadan as a popular yet self-centered individual who craves attention. At first, she comes off as superficial and overly concerned with maintaining her social status, which leads to a conflict with Momo Ayase. Their rivalry stems from misunderstandings and Aira’s attempts to assert her dominance, but her story takes a turn as it becomes entangled with the series’ supernatural themes.
What does the name “Aira Shiratori” means?
Let’s divide the meaning of her name in parts. The surname Shiratori (白鳥) translates to “white bird,” often associated with swans, symbolizing elegance, purity, and transformation in Japanese symbolism. The given name Aira (愛羅) combines “æ„›” (ai), meaning “love,” and “ç¾…” (ra), which can mean “net” or “silk gauze,” potentially implying delicacy or interconnectedness.
Powers and Abilities
Spirit Perception
As a child, Aira had a rare gift, the ability to see spirits. This ability connected her to the yokai Acrobatic Silky, though her perception of spirits faded as she grew older. After a fateful encounter with a mysterious golden sphere linked to Okarun’s powers, her ability to sense the supernatural is reawakened. With her powers restored, Aira can detect spirits and otherworldly threats.
Supernatural Transformation
When channeling the aura of Acrobatic Silky, Aira undergoes a dramatic transformation. Her hair grows unnaturally long, and she dons a mask resembling a yokai. This form amplifies her physical abilities and gives her an intimidating aura.
Combat Skills
Her transformation also naturally increases her proficiency in combat. Firstly, because of her speed, which drastically increases when transformed, but she also instinctively turns into a better fighter, making good movements, as if she turns into a martial artist.
Aira and Momo Ayase
Aira and Momo don’t get along at first. Aira’s jealousy makes her see Momo as a threat. She spreads rumors about her. However, when they face paranormal threats together, things change. Fighting side by side shows Aira a different side of Momo. Over time, Aira’s hostility fades. She admires Momo’s bravery and loyalty, and they grow from enemies to respectful allies.
Aira and Okarun (Ken Takakura)
After Okarun saves Aira, she starts to like him. She misreads his concern as affection, leading to funny moments. However, Okarun loves Momo, not Aira. Even though her feelings aren’t returned, Aira doesn’t let it affect her role. She supports Okarun in battles and values their friendship over her unreturned crush.
Aira and Acrobatic Silky
As a child, Aira first met Acrobatic Silky because she could see spirits. Since Aira lost her mother early in life, she innocently thought her mother would one day come back and called Acrobatic Silky “mom.” This touched the yokai’s heart and made her attach to Aira.
After finding Okarun’s “family jewels,” Aira once again could see spirits. When Acrobatic Silky noticed Aira could see her again, she attacked her in a kind of obsessive love. Thanks to Okarun and Momo Ayase, Aira was not swallowed by Acrobatic Silky. This gave the yokai time to reflect. Realizing her actions were harmful to the one she valued, Acrobatic Silky sacrificed herself, giving all her energy to Aira so she could live. As a result, Aira later gained the ability to use her powers.
Character Development
Aira starts off as a vain, self-centered girl, proud of her popularity at Kami High. She appears sweet but is secretly arrogant and manipulative. Using her beauty, she mocks her classmates and spreads a cruel rumor about Momo after a prank.
She gave the spectators a horrible first impression by talking to Okarun, and right after, mocking him by saying she was being kind because he would never be able to talk to a girl again. Momo noticed this mocking and used her powers to drop a bath tub on Aira’s head. Aira noticed it and started thinking Momo was a demon.
Aira’s character changes when she gains the ability to see spirits. She thinks this power proves her importance, which boosts her vanity. She starts targeting Momo, calling her a demon because of her psychic abilities. Over time, her ego and hostility lessen, especially after the Evil Eye connects to Jiji, forcing her to face the consequences of her actions.
Aira’s turning point comes when guilt pushes her to confess the truth about the rumors, sacrificing her popularity to restore Momo’s reputation. This act of humility makes her realize the harm she caused. Her empathy grows when she helps Acrobatic Silky find peace, embracing the yokai as a mother figure.
As she becomes part of Momo and Okarun’s group, Aira sheds her superficial personality. She becomes more assertive and loyal. Though strict and blunt, she cares deeply for her friends. Aira shows a softer side too, enjoying playful moments and caring for cute things like Chiquitita and Momo’s doll-like size.
Her romantic feelings for Okarun help her grow in humanity. At first, she is drawn to his kindness and develops a crush. Aira’s awkward attempts to express her feelings, like trying to kiss him impulsively, reveal her vulnerability and growth.