Capone “Gang” Bege is one of the most fascinating characters in One Piece, combining the cutthroat mentality of an old-school mob boss with the tactical brilliance of a master pirate. He’s not just out there roaming the seas for kicks; Bege injects the organized chaos of the mafia into the wild, unpredictable world of piracy, carving out a space for himself among an already vibrant cast of larger-than-life personalities. Let’s break down what really drives him.
Who is Capone Bege?
Capone Bege’s story starts in the West Blue, a region with a reputation for churning out some of the craftiest and most dangerous pirates. Even as a kid, Bege was different. He wasn’t the type to get his hands dirty just for fun, and he didn’t rely on raw power. His weapon of choice? Strategy. Tactics. Intimidation. While others might have fought their way to the top, Bege dismantled rival gangs from within, knocking over mob bosses like chess pieces. It was never personal; it was business.
When the West Blue wasn’t enough anymore, he set his sights on the bigger game: the seas. Becoming a pirate wasn’t just a change of scenery; it was a new way to extend his reach and cement his power. Bege aligned himself with Big Mom’s crew, always with an eye on how he could twist the game to his advantage.
Backstory of Capone Bege
Capone Bege hails from the West Blue, one of the seas surrounding the Grand Line. He grew up surrounded by gang culture, and it’s clear he found a passion for controlling power early on. Unlike other pirates, Bege never sought power through overwhelming force or personal battles. Instead, he focused on tactics, intimidation, and eliminating rivals. He earned his reputation by taking down mob bosses in other territories, carefully dismantling their organizations from the inside before moving on.
Over time, Bege shifted his sights from controlling the underworld of the West Blue to the seas themselves, becoming a pirate to expand his influence and power. This transition allowed him to encounter other powerful characters, ultimately leading him to ally himself with Big Mom’s crew—though his true intentions lay in opposing her rule.
Bege’s Powers and abilities
Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle-Castle Fruit)

Capone Bege’s power comes from the Shiro Shiro no Mi, also known as the Castle-Castle Fruit. This Devil Fruit grants him the ability to turn his body into a literal fortress. Inside him, there’s space large enough to store his crew, weapons, and heavy artillery. He can protect them, and they can launch surprise attacks from within his body. It’s as if he carries a whole army at all times.
Big Father Transformation

In addition to housing others within his body, Bege can transform into a massive castle form known as Big Father. In this form, he becomes a towering fortress with high defenses. This form is capable of taking considerable damage while protecting those inside. However, his transformation is not invulnerable, and it consumes a significant amount of stamina, so he must be cautious in when and how he uses it.
Military Tactics and Strategy
Beyond his Devil Fruit abilities, Bege is a master strategist and tactician. His background as a mafia boss gives him expertise in planning, deception, and warfare.
Capone Bege’s Moral Compass: Good, Bad, or Somewhere in Between?

Bege occupies a moral gray area in One Piece. He’s not a character motivated by pure evil or a desire to cause chaos; instead, his actions revolve around ambition, control, and survival. In fact, his motivations often align with his self-preservation and the welfare of his crew and loved ones, especially his wife, Charlotte Chiffon.
Chiffon, Bege’s wife and the sister of Charlotte Lola, provides a softer side to Bege’s character. Despite his ruthless exterior, Bege genuinely cares for her and shows loyalty to his family. This connection makes him a more complex character, as he isn’t purely driven by selfish goals but has people he genuinely wants to protect.
During the Whole Cake Island Arc, Bege partners with the Straw Hats and others to take down Big Mom. While this alliance benefits him personally, it also reveals that he can work toward a larger goal, even if his methods are sometimes questionable. His willingness to work with the Straw Hats and attempt to free his wife from Big Mom’s grip shows that he’s not entirely heartless—though he’s still far from being a hero.
Bege and His Family
Charlotte Chiffon, Bege’s wife and Big Mom’s daughter, plays an essential role in shaping his character. Despite Bege’s brutal and unforgiving nature, he has a softer side that he reserves for Chiffon. Their relationship is one of the more heartwarming connections in the series, especially considering Bege’s generally cold attitude.
Chiffon’s influence on Bege is undeniable. She gives him a reason to consider alliances and put himself at risk for something beyond personal gain. Their relationship adds emotional depth to Bege’s character, as he actively fights to protect her and their child, showing a more vulnerable side. Chiffon’s love and loyalty also help him see past pure ambition, proving that even the most hardened of pirates can have a heart.