In Hunter x Hunter, Emission is one of the six Nen types, and it’s pretty tricky to master. Why? Well, it all comes down to how Aura behaves. Aura likes to stick close to its user, and the further you send it away, the weaker it gets. So, if you’re trying to attack someone from a distance, you’ll lose a lot of power. Emission is all about separating your Aura from your body without losing too much of its potency. The more distance, the harder it becomes to control.

Users: Leorio, Franklin, Gotoh
For Emitters who focus on raw power, this approach works best. Emitter-Enhancers follow this path because they have two ways to deal with losing aura strength over long distances. First, as Emitters, they don’t lose as much power when their aura leaves their body. Second, they use Enhancement to boost the power of their attacks or other objects they emit. This mix gives them strong attack power, making it the best version of Emission for fighting.

Users: Pokkle, Melody, Kalluto Zoldyck
This ability works great for controlling objects from far away. It’s easy to understand how it helps with emitted Nen beasts or moving things from a distance. For example, Kaluto Zoldyck controls paper even when it’s far from him, using Emission to cover the distance. Melody is an interesting case. He uses Emission to send aura through his music, affecting the emotions of people who hear it. This special way of using Emission lets him control feelings from a distance.
Examples of Emission Abilities
Jajanken: Scissors

Gon charges his Aura into his hand and releases it as an energy blade. It’s straightforward, dealing significant damage with a direct hit. However, it’s only a quarter as strong as his other Jajanken form, “Rock.”
Downside: The major problem is the charging time. In the middle of a battle, taking too long to charge can leave Gon vulnerable. A fast, clever opponent might see it coming and dodge or counter before he finishes the move. Additionally, Gon isn’t a natural emitter, so he loses even more aura than he would naturally.

Killua’s Thunderbolt lets him emit electricity from his hands. It’s fantastic for stunning enemies, leaving them paralyzed for a moment. This makes it an excellent ability for controlling the battlefield, giving Killua an edge by stopping his opponents in their tracks.
Downside: The drawback is that Thunderbolt drains Killua’s stamina. He can’t keep it going for long periods without tiring himself out. It’s useful for short bursts, but he can’t rely on it too much in extended fights.
Leorio’s Emitted Punches

Leorio’s ability to deliver a punch from a distance is a solid Emission technique. He uses his Aura to throw a powerful punch without getting close, which can catch his enemies off guard. It’s a highly effective surprise attack, and Ging copied this ability for himself.
Downside: The main issue with this ability is that it’s not subtle. Skilled opponents who see it coming can dodge it. The punch has power, but if it misses, Leorio leaves himself open to counterattacks. Timing and surprise are crucial, and without them, the move can fall flat.
Razor’s Fourteen devils

Razor’s Nen ability, 14 Devils, is impressive. He uses his aura to create 14 powerful entities, each with a unique skill. These devils can fight, defend, or support him during battles. If one devil is defeated, Razor’s strength decreases. Coordination is key, as the devils act semi-independently.
Controlling four devils takes a lot of aura. It’s draining for Razor, especially in long fights. If one devil is defeated, Razor’s strength drops. Coordination can be tricky, as the devils act semi-independently. Razor needs focus and energy to use this ability well.
Franklin’s Emitted Fires

Franklin’s Nen ability, Double Machine Gun, is pure destruction. He detaches his fingers to reveal gun barrels underneath. With this, he emits high-speed Nen bullets, turning his hands into rapid-firing weapons. He can shoot at a wide area, which makes it hard for enemies to escape his barrage.
Downsides: This ability burns through Franklin’s aura quickly. The more bullets he fires, the more aura he uses up. If he’s not careful, he can run out of energy fast, leaving him vulnerable. Plus, since his fingers are his guns, his ability to fight in other ways is limited while he’s using Double Machine Gun.
Knov’s hide and seek

Knov’s Nen ability is the best proff that emission is way more than just aura blasts, Hide and Seek, is a Space-type Hatsu that creates portals to a different dimension. By touching a surface, Knov can create and enter these portals, allowing him and his allies to hide or transport items between locations instantly. Each portal leads to a room in a mansion-like space where time flows normally. This ability makes Knov invaluable for stealth missions and surprise attacks.
Pocket dimensions: Emission vs Conjuration
There’s often confusion between pocket dimensions in Conjuration and Emission. Both types can create pocket dimensions, but they sit on opposite sides of the Nen chart. There are key differences in how these pocket dimensions work.
Knov’s pocket dimension keeps existing even when he’s not there. For example, we saw Netero inside one of Knov’s rooms while Knov was outside. In contrast, Cheetu’s conjured pocket dimension only works when he’s inside it. Shizuku’s case is more complicated. We don’t know if her vacuum, Blinky, creates a pocket dimension or just sends things to Meteor City. My theory is that emitted pocket dimensions are more versatile. They can exist and remain stable without the Nen user inside them. This makes sense because the essence of Emission is separating the aura from the user’s body, while Conjuration has it as the weakest affinity.