The Goro Goro no Mi belongs to Enel and is considered one of the most powerful Devil Fruits in One Piece. This fruit is part of the Logia class of Devil Fruits, which allows users to control and transform into natural elements. In this case, the element is lightning.

The Goro Goro no Mi, also called the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, has a striking and electrifying design. The fruit is round and pear-shaped, tapering towards the top, resembling a loquat. Its golden-yellow peel features intricate overlapping swirl patterns, which are typical of Devil Fruits. These swirls are accented by sharp, jagged outgrowths that vary in size and shape, giving the appearance of sparks of electricity frozen in place. At the top of the fruit is a green, T-shaped stem that zigzags into a stylized lightning bolt.
Powers and Abilities
Lightning Generation

This fruit allows the user to create powerful lightning from their body. They can produce bolts of electricity that vary in strength. These bolts can be small and precise or large enough to destroy buildings or even entire islands. The energy comes directly from the user, giving them control over how and where the lightning strikes. This power creates destructive results and often causes fear in opponents and bystanders.
Lightning Speed
The user of the Goro Goro no Mi can move at the speed of lightning. This ability makes their movement almost instantaneous. They can travel across vast distances in a flash, making it difficult for enemies to track or stop them. This speed also gives them an edge during a fight, as they can dodge attacks and reposition themselves with ease. It feels as though they vanish and reappear in different spots.
Electric Manipulation
The fruit allows the user to control electric currents around them. They can direct electricity into objects, disrupting or destroying machines. This ability can be used creatively in different situations, whether to power devices or cause short circuits. The user can also manipulate the voltage of their attacks, deciding how much energy to release. This control means they can adjust their power depending on the situation, from minor shocks to massive bursts of energy.
Lightning Transformation

The Goro Goro no Mi gives the user the ability to turn their body into lightning. This power makes the user untouchable to most physical attacks. When someone tries to hit them, their body simply becomes lightning and reforms after the attack passes through.
This ability also allows the user to travel through conductive materials, like metal, in their lightning form. It provides a level of protection and freedom that makes the user feel untouchable by normal means.
Heart Restarting
One of the unique powers of this fruit is the ability to restart a stopped heart. The user can send an electric shock into their own body to bring themselves back to life. This makes them incredibly hard to defeat permanently. Even if their heart stops, they can revive themselves as long as they have the strength to do so. This ability adds a layer of resilience that makes the user seem invincible.
Amplified Senses with Electricity
The user can sense activity over large distances by using their powers. By sending out waves of electricity, they can detect movements and other signs of life. This ability is enhanced when combined with their Observation Haki, allowing them to pinpoint specific individuals and actions from far away. It allows them to maintain awareness of their surroundings, even in areas they cannot see directly.
Creation of Thunder Constructs
The Goro Goro no Mi user can shape their lightning into forms like animals or weapons. These constructs are made entirely of electricity and deliver powerful shocks when they make contact. This ability provides both offense and creativity, allowing the user to adapt their attacks to fit the situation. For example, creating a giant lightning beast can intimidate or overpower opponents.
Massive Electrical Storms

With the fruit’s power, the user can create storms filled with lightning. These storms are devastating, as they strike everything within their range. The scale of these attacks can destroy entire regions, showcasing the raw potential of the fruit. By summoning such energy, the user can bring widespread destruction or take control of an area with sheer force.
Energy Storage and Discharge
The user of the Goro Goro no Mi can store electricity within their body and release it when needed. This allows them to maintain a supply of energy for their attacks. By controlling when and how they discharge the stored power, they can adjust their attacks for precision or widespread damage. This adds a layer of strategy, as the user can decide the right moment to release their energy.
Non-conductive materials

The most famous weakness of the Goro Goro no Mi is its inability to harm rubber. Rubber is a natural insulator against electricity. This was shown during Enel’s fight with Luffy, whose rubber body nullified most of Enel’s attacks. This limitation leaves the user vulnerable against opponents with similar properties.
Dependence on Conduction
Electricity relies on conduction to travel and spread. If there is no conductive material around, the abilities of the fruit become less effective. This means that certain environments, such as areas with non-conductive materials, reduce the user’s options for attacks. It limits how far they can reach or what targets they can hit.
Current User
The fruit was eaten by Enel, the self-proclaimed god of Skypiea. Enel uses the Goro Goro no Mi combined with his insane observation and Haki abilities to dominate Skypiea until Luffy and his crew step in.
Enel’s Final transformation

.In this form, Enel transforms his body into pure lightning, amplifying his size and creating a figure reminiscent of Raijin, the Japanese god of thunder. His body emits an intense glow, surrounded by crackling electricity, symbolizing the immense voltage he wields, up to 200 million volts. This transformation enhances his offensive abilities, allowing him to unleash devastating lightning attacks with ease. Enel wields his staff, split into twin tridents, to channel his energy further and strike his targets with precision and force.