Stands from JoJo Part 5: Golden Wind

Part 5 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure further expands on the complexity of Stand powers, which is a crucial aspect of the series. In this post, you’ll find a complete list of the Stands in Vento Aureo, along with an overview of each one’s abilities.

King Crimson

King crimson from Jojo's bizarre adventures
Stats Grade?
Precision ?
Potential ?

King Crimson is the Stand of Diavolo, the main villain in JoJo’s Part 5. This Stand is one of the most complex in all of JoJo. It has two abilities. The first, Epitaph, allows Diavolo to see events up to 10 seconds into the future. The second ability lets Diavolo erase time for up to 10 seconds.

But what does erasing time mean? It means that everything Diavolo predicted will happen exactly as he saw, except he won’t be affected by it. During the time he erases, Diavolo can interact with the real world, allowing him to avoid damage and reposition himself, often appearing behind his opponent to strike. It’s also important to mention that people within a certain range of the Stand can’t remember the 10 seconds that were erased, leaving them confused afterward.

Golden Experience

Gold experience
Stats Grade7.0
Precision C
Potential A

Golden Experience is the Stand of Giorno Giovanna from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo. This Stand has the unique ability to imbue life into inanimate objects, transforming them into living creatures. For example, Giorno can turn a rock into a snake or a bullet into a tree. This power is not only useful for creating allies and distractions but also for healing, as he can turn parts of objects into living tissue to mend wounds.

Golden Wind requiem

Gold experience requiem
Stats Grade
All of Gold Experience Requiem’s stats are none

Golden Experience Requiem, the evolved form of Giorno Giovanna’s Stand, is the most powerful Stand in Vento Aureo and arguably the strongest in the entire JoJo series. Achieved by being pierced with the Stand Arrow, this transformation grants it the ability to “Return to Zero.” This ability nullifies any action or intent directed against it, effectively resetting events to a state where they never happened. It’s an incredibly overpowered Stand, as it has no counter in a one-on-one fight.

And as if that absolute defensive ability weren’t enough, Golden Experience Requiem also amplifies its normal life-giving powers. It can create and manipulate life forms with much greater ease, at a longer range, and in significantly larger quantities simultaneously.

Moody Blues

Moody Jazz from jojo's bizarre adventures
Stats Grade7.34
Precision C
Potential C

Moody Jazz is a support Stand that belongs to Abbacchio. It has the ability to rewind past events in real locations, no matter how long ago they occurred. The further back in time the event happened, the more time it takes to rewind and reach it. Its unique functionalities don’t stop there, Abbacchio even used Moody Jazz to pilot an airplane by rewinding the actions of the pilot.

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers from jojo's bizarre adventures
Stats Grade6.66
Precision C
Potential D

Sticky Fingers, the Stand of Bruno Bucciarati, showcases a unique ability to create zippers on any surface, which can be used to unzip and reattach objects, including living beings. This power allows for a wide range of applications, such as creating openings in walls for stealthy movement, disassembling opponents to neutralize threats, and even performing emergency medical procedures by unzipping and reattaching body parts. The versatility of Sticky Fingers extends to its defensive capabilities, enabling Bucciarati to evade attacks by unzipping parts of his body or creating barriers. Additionally, the Stand can trap enemies by zipping them into confined spaces or disorient them by altering their surroundings.

Grateful dead

greatfull death jojo golden wind
Stats Grade6.0
Precision E
Potential C

Grateful Dead is Prosciutto’s Stand. It can speed up the aging process of living beings within a large area, covering multiple train cars. The rate of aging depends on the target’s body temperature, so warmer people age faster. Thanks to their quick thinking, Giorno’s group noticed this weakness and started using ice to cool themselves down.

Six Pistols

Six Bullets from JoJo
Stats Grade7.0
Precision C
Potential A

This Stand consists of six sentient beings, each with a unique personality, making them really entertaining to follow. Each one is numbered from one to seven, skipping only number four. In Japan, the number four is sometimes pronounced as “shi,” which also means “death” in Japanese, so it’s considered unlucky, and Mista took this seriously. These beings can control the direction of the bullets from Mista’s gun, guiding them to hit the target or even protect Mista. For example, they redirected the bullets when Prosciutto used Mista’s pistol against him.


Narancia's aerosmith
Stats Grade6.3
Precision E
Potential C

This stand works like first world war plane, it can fire bullets and bombs in a close-mid range. Narancia can control it and has acess to an radar that detects the breathing of living beings by detecting carbon dioxide concentrations what makes it also usefull for in persuits, but, because of this method of detection, when Narancia go to a place with too many people this radar pratically loses it’s utility.

Black Sabbath

BLack Sabbath from jojo
Stats Grade6.0
Precision E
Potential E

Black Sabbath is an automatic Stand that moves through shadows, appearing from them as if emerging from a portal. However, sunlight is its weakness, as it causes Black Sabbath to burn and become immobilized. The Stand also carries a Stand Arrow, which plays a crucial role in Passione’s initiation process. Black Sabbath tests newcomers by piercing them with the Arrow. If they survive, they gain a Stand. Otherwise, they die.

Spicy Girl

Tish's stand Spicy Girl
Stats Grade7.34
Precision D
Potential C

Trish’s stand Spicy Girl possesses the ability to soften any object it touches, transforming its properties to become elastic and resilient. This power is incredibly versatile, allowing Trish to manipulate her environment creatively. For instance, she can soften a hard surface to create a spring-like effect, cushioning impacts or launching objects with force. This ability also extends to enemy attacks, which can be rendered ineffective by softening them upon contact.

In combat, Trish can soften barriers to create new pathways or turn obstacles into flexible traps for her opponents. The elasticity of softened objects can be used to absorb and redirect attacks, making it difficult for enemies to land a decisive blow. Additionally, this Stand’s ability to soften objects can be used to protect allies.

Purple Haze

Stand purple haze
Stats Grade6.0
Precision E
Potential B

Purple Haze, the Stand of Pannacotta Fugo, is notorious for its lethal ability to release a flesh-eating virus from the capsules on its hands. This virus, once airborne, rapidly decomposes organic matter, dissolving flesh within seconds and making it one of the deadliest Stands in the JoJo universe. The virus is highly volatile and indiscriminate, affecting anyone within its range of approximately five meters. This makes Purple Haze a double-edged sword, as its destructive potential can easily harm allies as well as enemies. The virus is also sensitive to sunlight, which can neutralize its effects, what makes it a bit more ballanced.

White Album

Gallacio's stand white album
Stats Grade6.0
Precision E
Potential E

White Album, Ghiaccio’s Stand, possesses the ability of cryokinesis, which enables it to drastically lower temperatures and freeze anything it touches. With this power, it can achieve temperatures as low as -100°C, allowing it to freeze gasoline and turn seawater into ice almost instantly. This extreme freezing capability can stop objects and attacks in their tracks, making traditional methods like gunshots and punches ineffective.

Moreover, White Album can create ice armor around its user, offering both offensive and defensive advantages by turning moisture into solid protective layers. Its technique, “Gently Weeps,” enhances its defensive abilities by forming a reflective ice barrier that can repel incoming attacks.

Beach Boy

stand beach boy
Stats Grade7.34
Precision C
Potential A

Beach Boy, the Stand wielded by Pesci, functions as a deadly fishing rod with an extraordinary ability. Its line and hook can phase through any object, including walls and even flesh. This lets Pesci capture targets from afar, reeling them in as if they were fish. The hook can penetrate a victim’s body and strike vital organs for a fatal blow.

The line of Beach Boy is highly sensitive, allowing Pesci to detect life forms and sense heartbeats through vibrations transmitted back to him. Additionally, any damage done to the line is redirected back to the attacker.


Metallica jojo's bizarre adventures
Stats Grade6.66
Precision C
Potential C

Metallica, Risotto Nero’s Stand, can control iron within a 5 to 10-meter range using magnetism. It extracts iron from the environment or living organisms to create sharp objects like razor blades and needles inside a target, causing severe damage. Metallica can also reattach limbs using iron from its user’s body. Additionally, it can render Risotto invisible by reflecting light with fine iron particles.

Green Day

Green Day jojo
Stats Grade8.0
Precision E
Potential A

Green Day, Cioccolata’s Stand, has a terrifying power that unleashes a lethal mold capable of rapidly decomposing organic matter. This mold is released through tubes on the Stand’s body and is activated whenever someone moves to a lower altitude. Any living being that descends is at risk of infection. The mold spreads quickly, devouring flesh within seconds, making it especially dangerous in crowded areas.

While the infection can be stopped by increasing altitude, the mold’s fast spread often makes it challenging to escape. Green Day’s mold targets all life forms equally, whether human, animal, or plant.


Stand Oasis
Stats Grade7.7
Precision E
Potential C

Oasis, Secco’s Stand, has a distinctive power that allows it to liquefy solid ground, turning it into a mud-like substance while still maintaining some of its original firmness. This ability lets Secco “swim” through the ground, moving with great speed and agility while staying hidden from view. By touching the ground, Oasis creates a liquefied path, allowing Secco to launch surprise attacks from below or make a quick escape.

The liquefied ground can also ensnare enemies, making it hard for them to move or break free. Additionally, Oasis can shape the liquefied terrain into defensive barriers or offensive traps, making it highly adaptable in combat. This control over the battlefield gives Secco a major strategic edge, enabling him to dominate with both mobility and unexpected strike

Man in the mirror

Stand Man in the mirror
Stats Grade5.3
Precision C
Potential E

Man in the Mirror, Illuso’s Stand, has the extraordinary power to manipulate a mirror dimension. It can pull objects and people into this alternate reality through any reflective surface. Once inside, Illuso controls who or what enters, allowing him to isolate parts of a person or their Stand, leaving them defenseless.

The mirror world operates under its own unique rules, where only those brought in by Man in the Mirror can see or interact with it. This ability to create a separate, controlled environment makes the Stand a powerful tool for ambushes and strategic isolation. Any reflective surface can become a gateway to this hidden world, where Illuso holds the advantage, making it extremely difficult for his enemies to escape or fight back.

Baby face

baby face from jojo's bizarre adventures
Stats Grade?
Precision ?
Potential ?
Precision and potential vary according to the development of the newborn.

Baby Face, Melone’s Stand, possesses the ability to create a secondary, autonomous Stand called “Junior.” This process starts when Baby Face analyzes a DNA sample from a target, using it to generate Junior. Once formed, Junior can disassemble and reassemble matter at the molecular level, allowing it to break down living beings into cubes and then reconstitute them elsewhere.

This ability makes Junior incredibly adaptable in combat, as it can bypass physical defenses and strike from unexpected angles. Moreover, Junior can learn and evolve, becoming more efficient and deadly over time.

Kraft Work

stand kraft work
Stats Grade5.34
Precision E
Potential E

Kraft Work, Sale’s Stand, can control kinetic energy. It can freeze objects in place or release stored energy precisely. This lets Kraft Work stop bullets mid-air, acting as a strong defense. By locking objects in position, Sale can immobilize opponents or create obstacles, controlling the battle. Kraft Work can also build up kinetic energy in an object and release it explosively, turning ordinary items into powerful projectiles.

Soft Machine

stand soft machine
Stats Grade5.7
Precision D
Potential E

Soft Machine, Mario Zucchero’s Stand, has the unusual ability to deflate objects and people by piercing them with its rapier. This deflation leaves targets limp and flexible, letting Zucchero move them through tight spaces or hide them easily. Though deflated, victims stay alive but unconscious, making Soft Machine ideal for stealth and surprise attacks. The Stand can also set traps by deflating and hiding objects, then reinflating them at a crucial moment.

Little Feet

Little feet stand
Stats Grade5.7
Precision D
Potential C

Little Feet, Formaggio’s Stand, can shrink objects and living beings by cutting them with its sharp finger. After being cut, the target gradually reduces in size, along with anything they carry. It also affects the target’s Stand, not only shrinking it but also weakening its powers overall. The shrinking process is slow but unstoppable, even from a distance. Formaggio can also shrink himself to hide or escape.


stand "clash" from jojo's bizarre adventures
Stats Grade8.0
Precision A
Potential C

Clash, Squalo’s Stand, can teleport between any bodies of liquid, no matter the size. This allows Clash to appear in any liquid, from a glass of water to a puddle, and strike quickly and precisely. It can also drag victims through liquids, transporting them across distances. Clash’s ability to move through liquids makes it ideal for ambushes and surprise attacks, striking from unexpected places like tears or spilled drinks. It can adjust its size based on the liquid it occupies, enhancing its adaptability.

Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones stand from jojo
Stats Grade
Precision E

Rolling Stones, Scolippi’s Stand, has a dark and unique ability related to fate and death. This Stand acts as a stone that seeks out individuals destined to die soon, gradually resembling its target as their final moments approach. Once it identifies a target, Rolling Stones pursues them relentlessly, even phasing through obstacles to reach them. If the target touches the stone, they die instantly and painlessly, offering a swift end to their fated death.

Despite its seemingly merciful aspect, Rolling Stones is feared for its unavoidable link to death. The only way to stop it is to significantly alter its shape or destroy it. However, even then, the dust will still form the image of the predicted death.

Talking head

Talking head jojo stand
Stats Grade4.3
Precision E
Potential E

Talking Head, Tiziano’s Stand, has a distinctive power that forces its victims to lie. By attaching to a target’s tongue, it compels them to speak, write, or gesture falsehoods, no matter their true intentions. This ability can create confusion and manipulate situations to Tiziano’s advantage, as victims are aware of their inability to tell the truth but cannot stop it.

Talking Head can also control a victim’s speech, making them either stay silent or speak as required. This power is highly effective for causing distrust and chaos among enemies by disrupting communication and coordination.

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