Villains from jujutsu kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen villains are one of the most important aspect of this series, today we’re gonna break down it’s most influent villains, detailing their personality, motivations and backstories.


Junpei from jujutsu kaisen

Jumpei is one of the first antagonists in the series. He struggled daily with bullying at school, which pushed him toward becoming a villain under Mahito’s influence. After Mahito used Idle Transfiguration on the group that bullied him, Jumpei became curious about this power. He even asked Mahito if he could use it, as he was angry at his teachers, whom he saw as “huge kids” for ignoring his bullying.

With Mahito’s help, Jumpei gained the ability to use cursed energy and was ready to attack his teacher. However, Yuji intervened, and Jumpei’s kind heart began to resurface. Remembering his mother, he regretted his actions and wanted to change, but a tragic event shattered this resolve. Mahito planted a finger of Sukuna in Jumpei’s house, attracting curses that killed his mother. This deepened Jumpei’s hatred for humanity. Manipulated by Mahito, Jumpei attacked one of his bullies at school. Yuji tried to stop him, but Mahito used Idle Transfiguration on Jumpei, sealing his tragic fate.

Suguro Geto

Suguru Geto in each phase of his character

Suguru starts as a calm and kindhearted person who strictly follows the rules. However, as the series progresses, we see Suguru undergo a complete change in personality due to traumatic events, leading him to feel hopeless. At first, Geto believes it’s his duty to protect the weak, and that’s what cursed energy should be used for. He shares this belief with Satoru Gojo while they play basketball. However, Gojo disagrees. Teen Gojo finds helping non-sorcerers an inconvenience. Geto’s view of the world faces challenges, especially during this conversation with Gojo.

Geto and Gojo are assigned to transport the Star Plasma Vessel to Tengen for assimilation. Along the way, they encounter many sorcerers trying to stop them. When they are close to completing their mission, non-sorcerer Toji Fushiguro attacks them. Hired by the Time Vessel Association, Toji’s mission is to kill Riko Amanai. He eventually defeats both Gojo and Geto, successfully completing his mission. Discovering that non-sorcerers ordered a non-sorcerer to harm him and Riko fuels Geto’s growing hatred and disgust towards non-sorcerers.

The start of Geto’s change

Things worsen when Geto visits the Time Vessel Association headquarters, where Riko’s body is being held. There, he sees the association members clapping for Riko’s death, which disgusts him even more. This experience deepens Geto’s negative feelings. Additionally, he loses the emotional support of his friend, Satoru Gojo. Gojo, after awakening his power, starts taking on missions alone.

Over time, Geto finds protecting non-sorcerers exhausting and unfair. These thoughts begin to consume him, leading him to question his role daily. He struggles between two conflicting feelings—hating non-sorcerers and wanting to protect them. Yuki Tsukumo, who plays a crucial role in Geto’s transformation into a villain, tells him that curses wouldn’t exist if non-sorcerers didn’t. She explains that because non-sorcerers can’t control cursed energy, it leaks from their bodies, creating curses.

This conversation shifts Geto’s mindset. He starts to believe that he and his sorcerer friends suffer constantly to protect the weak from a problem they caused. The traumatic events he experienced, caused by people who can’t control cursed energy, only increase his hatred. After some months of solitude and intense doubt, Geto has a conversation with Yuki Tsukumo, who gives Geto crucial information about curses. She suggests that turning every human into a sorcerer might solve the curse problem. Geto thinks this is too difficult, so he considers a darker option: eliminating all non-sorcerers. Now Geto himself acknowledges that he has to make this choice, whether to continue living as a Jujutsu High sorcerer who protects people or follow through with his dark plan.

Geto’s Villainy Awakening

Later, another friend dies fighting curses, strengthening Geto’s desire for change. He believes that if things don’t change, he and his friends will keep losing their lives. Shortly after, the thin line that still held the old Geto broke. During a mission to protect a village from a spirit, Geto finds two sorcerer children locked up. The villagers, who are non-sorcerers, think the children are witches causing bad things to happen. This revolting situation turns Geto into a full-fledged villain. He eliminates all 112 villagers, sparing only the two young girls.

Jujutsu High learns about his actions and expels him from the organization. This leads to the memorable scene where Satoru Gojo confronts Geto, who reveals his plan to kill all non-sorcerers and that this is what he’s up to now, and nothing is going to change it. Unlike his past self, who would try to understand and address issues, Geto now follows his dark path without logic or reason, simply because he feels it’s the right thing to do.


Sukuna after awakening in shibuya

Ryomen Sukuna, known as the King of Curses, is by far the strongest villain in Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a malevolent force whose legend dates back over a thousand years. Once a human sorcerer, Sukuna was so powerful and feared that he became a living nightmare. His overwhelming strength and unmatched malevolence led to his transformation into a Cursed Spirit after death. His body was so potent that even in death, it couldn’t be completely destroyed. Instead, his power was sealed into twenty indestructible fingers, each holding a fraction of his immense cursed energy.

Sukuna’s personality is marked by his sadistic nature and total disregard for human life. He takes pleasure in chaos and destruction, enjoying the suffering of others. His arrogance knows no bounds, fueled by the knowledge that he is nearly invincible. He sees both sorcerers and curses as inferior beings, not worth his attention. Sukuna’s only goal is to regain his full power and reign as the supreme being, free to indulge in every violent whim. He is a force of pure evil, unconcerned with morality or consequences, driven by his lust for power and a desire to fight strong opponents.

Sukuna came back after being sealed for centuries at the start of the series. Bound to Yuji Itadori, the vessel who unknowingly consumed one of his fingers in a desperate situation to fight a cursed spirit, Sukuna waits, manipulating events from within. He bides his time, planning to reclaim his full strength. Sukuna’s ultimate goal isn’t just to regain power. He wants to crush anyone who dares to challenge him, creating a world where he alone reigns as the absolute strongest.


Choso in his fight against itadori

Choso is a complex character in Jujutsu Kaisen, born from cursed energy and a strong connection to his family. He is one of the nine Cursed Womb: Death Paintings, half-human, half-curse hybrids created by the ancient sorcerer Noritoshi Kamo through twisted experiments. Choso and his brothers, including Esō and Kechizu, started as cursed wombs, embryos never meant to survive but brought to life through dark sorcery. Unlike typical Cursed Spirits, Choso feels human emotions and memories, especially a strong loyalty and love for his brothers. This bond drives everything he does.

Choso appears calm and stoic, but his emotions run deep, especially about his brothers. After losing his siblings to jujutsu sorcerers, his need for revenge grows strong, leading him to join forces with darkness. However, he isn’t a mindless villain. Choso reflects on his actions and holds a strong commitment to his family. His desire to avenge his brothers stems from duty and love, painting him as a tragic figure. As the story unfolds, Choso’s character grows, especially when he discovers Yuji Itadori’s connection to his family. This revelation makes him question his loyalty and purpose. Choso’s journey blends his cursed nature with human emotions, leading him through loss and the search for a new purpose beyond revenge.


Dagon from jujutsu kaisen

Dagon emerged from humanity’s fear of the sea, initially existing as a cursed womb before evolving into a full-fledged spirit. He’s generally calm and has an insane destructive potential that surfaces when threatened. Dagon is driven by a deep-seated desire to protect nature from human interference, viewing sorcerers as the primary enemies who disturb the natural order. His ultimate goal is to restore the balance of nature by eliminating those who threaten it.


Hanami from jujutsu kaisen

Hanami, is a manifestation of the anger and resentment felt by nature, particularly plants and trees, against the harm caused by human activities. Unlike most Cursed Spirits, Hanami possesses a nurturing and empathetic personality, deeply connected to the natural world and willing to go to great lengths to protect it. However, this empathy does not extend to humans, whom Hanami blames for the destruction of the environment. This curse sees the eradication of humanity as necessary to allow nature to thrive once again, leading Hanami to ally with other powerful spirits in their quest to create a world free from human influence.


Jogo using his fire technique

Jogo, born from the fear of volcanoes, represents the raw, destructive power of volcanic eruptions. His pride and arrogance are as intense as the fiery energy he embodies, often leading him to underestimate his opponents, particularly humans, whom he despises. Jogo’s volatile nature makes him quick to anger, especially when his superiority is challenged. Despite his bravado, he harbors insecurities that fuel his desire to prove himself as one of the most powerful Cursed Spirits. Jogo’s ultimate ambition is to establish a world where Cursed Spirits reign supreme, and humans are either subjugated or annihilated, with jujutsu sorcerers being the primary obstacle to his dreams.

Toji Fushiguro

Toji fushiguro drawing his sword

Toji Fushiguro was born into the powerful Zenin clan, a family known for its jujutsu techniques. Unlike most members, Toji was a rare non-sorcerer, which led his clan to look down on him and eventually expel him. Despite lacking cursed energy, his Heavenly Restriction granted him superhuman physical abilities, making him one of the strongest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen. Resentful of how the Zenin clan treated him, Toji cut ties with them and took his wife’s surname, Fushiguro. Disillusioned with the jujutsu world, he became a mercenary, selling his skills to the highest bidder and earning a reputation as an assassin who targets sorcerers.

Toji’s personality reflects his ruthless pragmatism and disdain for jujutsu. He believes that power is all that matters, driven by instinct and desire rather than any grand ambition. Beneath his cold exterior, Toji is a complex character scarred by his past. His relationship with his son, Megumi, is filled with contradictions. Although Toji left Megumi to be raised by the Zenin clan, he ensured that his son had a future in jujutsu, free from the limitations that haunted him.

Naoya Zenin

Naoya Zenin from jujutsu kaisen

Naoya Zenin, the heir to the Zenin clan, craves power and recognition. Born into one of the three great jujutsu families, he grew up feeling superior and entitled. His upbringing taught him that only the strong deserve respect. This background has made him arrogant and condescending, especially towards those he sees as weaker, including women and non-sorcerers. Naoya is fixated on proving himself as the true head of the Zenin clan. He believes his exceptional jujutsu skills and adherence to the clan’s hierarchy justify his position.

His main motivation is to earn validation from his family and the jujutsu world. He wants to surpass his predecessors and ensure the Zenin clan’s dominance. However, his ambition is clouded by his rigid views on power. Naoya often shows cruelty and manipulation in his interactions, willing to betray even his own family members to achieve his goals.



Kenjaku stands out as one of the most enigmatic and dangerous antagonists in Jujutsu Kaisen. He’s a manipulator and has a twisted vision for humanity’s future. His true identity remains a mystery because he has lived for centuries by transferring his brain into different bodies, allowing him to extend his life indefinitely. His current host is Noritoshi Kamo, a notorious sorcerer from the past, which lets Kenjaku continue his schemes across generations. Kenjaku’s ultimate goal is to merge humanity with cursed energy, creating a world where curses and humans become one.

Kenjaku is cold, calculating, and always several steps ahead of his enemies. He views humanity as a resource for his grand experiment. Unlike other villains who seek power for its own sake, Kenjaku is driven by a twisted curiosity and a desire to push the boundaries of jujutsu. He believes the world is flawed and that only through radical change can true evolution occur. Kenjaku is prepared to sacrifice countless lives to achieve his vision, what makes him one of the most dangerous forces in the series.

Kenjaku is cold, calculating, and always several steps ahead of his enemies. He views humanity as a resource for his grand experiment. Unlike other villains who seek power for its own sake, Kenjaku is driven by a twisted curiosity and a desire to push the boundaries of jujutsu just for fun. He believes the world is flawed and that only through radical change can true evolution occur, even if he has to sacrifice countless lives in the process.


Uraume during the shibuya incident in jujutsu kai

Uraume is a loyal follower of Sukuna. While little is known about Uraume’s past, their strong connection to Sukuna hints at an ancient bond, possibly dating back to Sukuna’s time as a human sorcerer. Uraume’s jujutsu abilities are powerful ice-based techniques that allow her to create and control ice.

Uraume’s personality is defined by their stoic focus on serving Sukuna. Unlike others driven by personal gain or power, Uraume’s only motivation is to assist their master, seeing herself as a tool of Sukuna’s will, existing solely to help him regain power and achieve his goals. Uraume interacts with others in a cold and detached manner, viewing anyone not aligned with Sukuna as unimportant or disposable.

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