Kawaki from Boruto


At first glance, Kawaki seems like Boruto’s version of Sasuke. He’s tough, angry, and has a chip on his shoulder. But when you dig deeper, there’s more to him. His attitude is mostly a result of the pain and trauma he’s been through. Trusting people doesn’t come easily to him, which makes sense considering his past. But underneath all that, Kawaki shows he’s capable of caring deeply, especially for those who offer him kindness.

One of the most striking parts of his personality is his bond with Naruto. For someone who’s never had a real family, Kawaki begins to see Naruto as a father figure. This softens him up a bit and lets us see a more vulnerable side. Still, he’s not afraid to challenge others, including Boruto, with whom he has a complicated friendship.


Kawaki as a child

Kawaki’s backstory is pretty rough. Born into an abusive household, he had no real chance at a happy life. His father mistreated him horribly and sold him to Jigen, the leader of Kara, a secretive and powerful organization. Jigen didn’t take Kawaki in out of kindness. Instead, he wanted to use Kawaki as a vessel for Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, a god-like being.

This marked the start of Kawaki’s life as a tool, constantly being manipulated and trained to serve a higher purpose. However, Kawaki wasn’t just going to be a pawn forever. He escaped Kara, but the trauma from his past still haunts him. The scars of his upbringing shaped him into the complex character we know today.

Goals: What Drives Kawaki?

Kawaki’s goals shift throughout the series. At first, he just wants to escape Kara and live a life free from the control of others. This makes him deeply opposed to anything that ties him back to his past. However, as the series progresses, his motivation becomes more about protecting the few people he cares about, especially Naruto and the village.

There’s also a darker side to his goals. Kawaki believes in doing whatever it takes to protect the world from threats like the Ōtsutsuki. At one point, this leads him to see Boruto as a potential danger, which makes their relationship even more complicated. Kawaki’s desire for peace sometimes pushes him down morally grey paths, showing that he’s willing to sacrifice personal relationships for the greater good.

Is Kawaki an Uzumaki?

Technically, no. Kawaki is not a blood-related Uzumaki. However, he has been unofficially adopted into Naruto’s family. After Kawaki escapes Kara and comes under Naruto’s protection, he starts living with the Uzumakis. Over time, he becomes close to Boruto, Himawari, and even Naruto himself. While the bond isn’t one of blood, it’s clear Kawaki sees Naruto as a father figure and considers the Uzumakis his family in every sense that matters.

But after the incident involving Ada and altering everyone’s memories, he is now known as Kawaki Uzumaki by almost everyone.

Kawaki’s Power

Karma Seal

Kawaki’s karma was given by Jigen. This mark enhances Kawaki’s physical abilities, like strength and speed. It also allows him to absorb and manipulate energy attacks, making them practically useless against him.

Cybernetic Enhancements

Next, let’s talk about his cybernetic enhancements. Thanks to the experiments by Kara, Kawaki can transform parts of his body into various weapons. For example, he can turn his arm into a blade or a shield. This ability makes him incredibly versatile and unpredictable in a fight. You never know what he’s going to do next!

Taijutsu Skills

Kawaki’s taijutsu skills are nothing short of impressive. From the moment he steps into a fight, you can see his training and experience shine through. He’s not just strong; he’s incredibly fast and precise. Every move he makes is calculated, aiming to take down his opponent as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Shrinking ability

Kawaki can shrink himself or objects down to a microscopic size. This allows him to dodge attacks and surprise his enemies. He often combines this skill with his other powers, like his cybernetic enhancements, to create unpredictable attacks. However, using this power requires intense mental focus, and overusing it can be exhausting.

The Complicated “Friendship” with Boruto

Boruto and Kawaki engaging in a fight

Initially, Boruto and Kawaki’s relationship is rocky. Boruto is wary of Kawaki, seeing him as a potential threat due to his connection with Kara and the dangerous power he possesses. Kawaki, on the other hand, is distrustful and defensive, having been betrayed and mistreated for most of his life. Their interactions are filled with tension and misunderstandings, often leading to heated arguments and even physical confrontations.

However, as they spend more time together, a bond begins to form. They start to understand each other’s struggles and motivations. Boruto sees the pain and loneliness that Kawaki has endured, while Kawaki begins to appreciate the warmth and acceptance he receives from the Uzumaki family. This mutual understanding helps them to slowly build trust and respect for one another.

They eventually train together to master their respective powers, particularly the Karma seal. Through their training sessions, they push each other to their limits, learning not only about their abilities but also about each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This shared experience brings them closer, transforming their rivalry into a brotherly bond.

Despite their growing friendship, their relationship is not without its challenges. Kawaki’s past and the threat of Kara continue to cast a shadow over their lives. There are moments of doubt and conflict, especially when their differing views on how to handle threats to their village come into play. Boruto’s more optimistic and compassionate approach often clashes with Kawaki’s pragmatic and sometimes ruthless methods.

Kawaki’s plan to “Protect” Naruto

Kawaki and Boruto after swapping places

Kawaki’s role switch with Boruto in Chapter 79 happened because he wanted to protect Naruto Uzumaki and eliminate the Otsutsuki. At first, Kawaki was desperate to kill Boruto, who had been taken over by Momoshiki Otsutsuki. But his reasons went deeper. Kawaki saw Boruto as a threat due to his Otsutsuki connection and believed Boruto had to die to fulfill his mission.

When Eida used her god-like powers (Shinjutsu), she changed reality. Kawaki became recognized as Naruto’s true son, Kawaki Uzumaki, while Boruto was seen as the village’s rogue traitor. This switch gave Kawaki the life he always wanted, being accepted as a true member of the Uzumaki family and Naruto’s son. Through this reality shift, Kawaki aimed to eradicate the Otsutsuki while living the life he longed for, free from suspicion or judgment.

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