machi from hunterxhunter

Machi is one of the most interesting members of the Phantom Troupe. She’s not as loud or flashy as some of the others, but her presence is always felt. Whether she’s using her Nen abilities to heal others or fighting in combat, she’s a key part of the group. Fans of Hunter x Hunter often recognize her for her no-nonsense attitude and her complicated relationship with Hisoka. Here, we’ll dive into everything that makes Machi this much interesting, from her background to her nen abilities.

Personality Analysis

Machi’s personality is pretty straightforward: she’s tough, loyal, and doesn’t mess around. Her loyalty to Chrollo and the Phantom Troupe is one of her most defining traits. She never questions his leadership and is always willing to step up when needed. This loyalty comes through not just in her actions but also in how she interacts with the rest of the group.

At the same time, she’s got this cold, almost intimidating side. Machi doesn’t let her emotions show easily, and she’s usually all business, especially when it comes to fighting or completing a mission. But we do see glimpses of her softer side, mostly in her interactions with Hisoka. Even though she’s quick to scold him or point out his reckless behavior, there’s this underlying tension that hints at something deeper between them. It’s not exactly friendship, but there’s clearly some complicated history there.

Overall, Machi is someone you can count on to get the job done, no matter how tough things get. She’s loyal to a fault, keeps a level head, and rarely lets emotions cloud her judgment.

Machi’s Background

Machi from hunter x hunter in meteor city years before the main story started

When it comes to Machi’s backstory, the story doesn’t give us a ton of details, but we can piece together a few key things. Machi hails from Meteor City, a place where people and things that society discards end up. It’s basically a lawless, forgotten city, and many of the Phantom Troupe members come from there. Growing up in such a harsh environment likely shaped Machi’s tough, no-nonsense personality. You had to be strong to survive in Meteor City, and Machi definitely fits that mold. Her upbringing likely taught her the value of loyalty, which is why she’s so devoted to the Phantom Troupe.

We also know she’s one of the original members of the Troupe, and that’s no small thing. It means she’s been through thick and thin with Chrollo and the others, forming deep bonds that go beyond just being teammates. Her relationship with Chrollo, in particular, seems to be rooted in a strong sense of respect and loyalty. She’s fiercely protective of him, as seen when she tracks down Hisoka after Chrollo’s fight to warn him not to target Chrollo again.

Machi’s Role in the Phantom Troupe

Machi using her nen threads

Her healing abilities are a huge reason why she’s so valuable. If any of the Troupe members are injured during a mission, they can count on Machi to patch them up, sometimes even reattaching limbs like it’s no big deal. That level of precision and control is what sets her apart from others in the group.

Beyond her healing, she’s fiercely loyal to Chrollo, the leader. Machi doesn’t question his authority and is always ready to support him, which speaks volumes about how much trust they share. Her interactions with other Troupe members, like Nobunaga and Hisoka, are also worth mentioning. She’s got this calm but sharp attitude, and even though she doesn’t seek out the spotlight, you can tell she’s respected by the rest of the group.

Machi’s Signature Techniques

Machi healing Hisoka with her nen ability

Machi is a transmuter-enhancer, and her aura threads are her signature move. This makes complete sense, as it combines transmutation to create the threads and enhancement to fortify them. She uses these threads in impressive ways. First, there’s her Nen Stitches. This is where her healing ability really shines. She can use her threads to close wounds and even reattach limbs with surgical precision. It’s one of the most impressive healing techniques in the series

But her threads aren’t just for healing. She can also use them in combat. One of her more dangerous techniques involves manipulating her threads to tie up or trap her opponents, making it almost impossible for them to move. She can extend her threads over long distances, allowing her to track targets by attaching them to their body without them even noticing. Against weaker opponents, she can even control their movements with just those threads.

Machi’s complicated relationship with Hisoka

Machi and Hisoka

Machi and Hisoka’s relationship is definitely one of the more complicated dynamics in the series. On the surface, it might seem like a classic love-hate relationship, but dig a little deeper, and you realize it’s more nuanced than that.

Interestingly, there’s a sense that Hisoka holds Machi in higher regard than most people he interacts with. She tolerates him, sure, but you can sense the underlying frustration she has when dealing with him. Hisoka often tries to push her buttons, and while she rarely shows it, you can tell that she’s not amused by his antics.

And then there’s that post-revival scene. Hisoka goes out of his way to kill Phantom Troupe members after his resurrection, yet he spares Machi. He ties her up, but he doesn’t kill her. That says a lot. It could be that he sees her as a challenge for another day, or maybe there’s a warped sense of admiration. Either way, Hisoka keeping her alive feels less like mercy and more like he’s leaving a door open for future “entertainment”.

So, what is it between them? It’s not quite respect, not friendship, and definitely not romantic, at least not in any straightforward way. Hisoka enjoys getting under Machi’s skin, and Machi views Hisoka with a mix of disdain and caution. They’re both aware of how dangerous the other is, which creates this intense, simmering dynamic whenever they cross paths. It’s complicated, unpredictable, and leaves you wondering just how far each is willing to go with, or against, the other.

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