Nasiens from Nanatsu no Taizai: The Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime.

Nasiens is a highly intelligent, reserved, and loyal individual who deeply cares for his friends and family. As the son of two of the Seven Deadly Sins, King and Diane, he is half fairy and half giant. However, his father’s genetics seem to dominate. He specializes in herbs and venoms, with a natural affinity and curiosity for them. This affinity also manifests in his magical powers, as follows.


Nasiens using his ability Mix venom

Mix Venom is Nasiens’ pillar ability. It uses shifting-type magic to recreate any poison he’s ingested and analyze it. After mastering a poison, he can mix different substances he’s learned over time.

Nasiens using enchantment on two blades

Nasiens’ second magic type is enchantment, which he frequently uses to imbue his two blades, Henbane and Belladona, with different types of venom. He first demonstrated this ability during his quick fight against Percival.

Nasiens has access to a paralysis poison that not only paralyzes but also causes dizziness.

Nasiens using Mix Venom to create a purple mist

This ability, called “Misty Rain,” creates an inhalable mist using a substance synthesized by “Mix Venom.” Nasiens uses it against a group of bandits, spreading a substance that makes them sleep. It quickly works on most of them. However, their leader, Eldin, pinches his nose, preventing the venom from affecting him during the roughly 25 seconds the ability is active.

Nasiens from the Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime using"Mix Rain: Detoxification."

Nasiens is highly resistant to poisons and can create cures for those he ingests and naturally neutralizes. He used this ability to counter Melagaland’s toxin and spread the antidote with his “Mix Rain: Detoxification” skill.

Additional Facts about Nasiens

Nasiens’ Gender

Nasiens, a sexless fairy, can choose to have either a male or female body. He even asks Percival which form he would prefer him to take, and Percival replies that both would be neat.

Perculiar Habits

When Nasiens first meets Percival in episode four of the anime, he reveals that he bites his lips whenever he gets excited, a habit he’s had since he was a kid.

Crush on percival

Nasiens loves Percival. In the first season of the anime, although Nasiens’ gender isn’t clear, his feelings are evident through his shy behavior. He often blushes when approaching Percival, calling him a “guinea pig” instead of openly admitting they’re friends. Donny even notices this and teases the herbalist about confessing his love when he joins the group. As the story progresses, Nasiens’ feelings become crystal clear, eventually leading him to openly admit his love for Percival to Anghalhad when questioned.

Nasiens’ Story

Nasiens as a kid being taught about venoms by Ordo.

As a fairy baby, Nasiens was a victim of a changeling. This happens when a fairy kidnaps a human baby and a fairy, then swaps them, giving each to the wrong parents. We don’t know anything about Nasiens’ human parents, but they left him as a baby in Echo Gorge. Ordo, who became Nasiens’ father figure, found him and raised him, teaching him about poisons and herbs. Ordo’s main goal was to protect the Gorge and its creatures.

However, supporting other races went against King Arthur‘s principles. Talisker, a Holy Knight, came to warn Ordo and demanded he stop his actions. When Ordo refused, Talisker punished him by turning him into a savage creature driven by a destructive impulse. Talisker’s magic also spread poison throughout the Gorge, making its creatures aggressive and dangerous, and slowly killing the ecosystem.

Desperate to create a cure, the young herbalist tirelessly tested his antidote on the Gorge’s animals, hoping to return them to normal. But he didn’t succeed. One day, Percival arrived and freed an animal intended for testing. Frustrated, the herbalist decided to test the antidote on him, who didn’t understand his motives. After tying Percival up, Nasiens was surprised when he easily escaped. They fought briefly, but after learning about the goal behind the antidote, Percival chose to drink it. Although the effects weren’t guaranteed, his choice left the young man in disbelief. This marked the start of their friendship.

Saving the echo Gorge

After discovering the antidote’s effectiveness, Nasiens drank it himself. He needed to replicate it using his “Mix Venom” ability. After consuming the antidote, he fainted but woke up minutes later. He then used it to cleanse the Gorge of Talisker’s poison. The fairies, who initially believed he was responsible for the poisoning, apologized. But the problem wasn’t solved. Ordo, still controlled by Talisker’s magic, began poisoning the Gorge again. The herbalist tried to reach the rational part of Ordo, but he failed and was attacked. At that moment, the fox with Percival realized Talisker was the one attacking the Gorge. With Percival’s encouragement, the herbalist decided to help free Ordo. This emotional moment led to a fierce battle.

They eventually won the fight and restored Ordo to normal by destroying Talisker’s chaos staff. Overcome with emotion, the young man cried and hugged his father, who had returned to his true self.

Following this, Nasiens decided to join Percival’s group, feeling indebted to Percival for saving the Gorge and Ordo. Ordo also encouraged him, promising to study the potions and work for the Gorge’s prosperity.

Sistana Arc

Nasiens and his friends arriving in Sistana

At the start of this arc, Percival still shows distrust toward Sin and questions how Camelot can still exist if it was destroyed 16 years ago. Sin assures him that the fox isn’t lying, which makes Nasiens drop the subject.

Nasiens also displays knowledge about Incantation Orbs and recognizes that they were crafted by Merlin. He also mentions that she compiled a document recording all poisons from different ages, showing a keen interest in it.

Later, they head to Cistana and accidentally stumble upon a piece of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, found by one of Percival’s golems. This leads Nasiens and his friends to encounter Anghalhad, who briefly fights them, thinking they were working with Ironside to steal it. Percival explains they just stumbled upon it, and she believes him, sensing no lie. Anghalhad’s butler then arrives, urging her to return to the castle because her father was upset with her for leaving. Before she leaves, she entrusts Percival with the piece of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness.

Nasiens and his friends against Ironside

They then spy on an event organized by Ironside, where he plans to sacrifice the lives of the city’s people to activate the Coffin of Eternal Darkness and release the demon race. He deceives the crowd, claiming he will save the city from a catastrophe and only needs the missing fragment held by Percival’s group to do so.

Seeing Ironside’s lies, Percival becomes furious and almost rushes to fight him without thinking, but Nasiens and Sin hold him back. Sin explains that giving Ironside the missing fragment would lead to disaster. Nasiens then reveals his knowledge about the sacrifice the Goddess race made to seal away the demon race during the Holy War. Sin suggests they leave with the remaining fragment.

However, Sin’s plan is interrupted when Anghalhad publicly exposes Ironside’s lies. Percival jumps in front of everyone, instantly recognized by Ironside. He distracts Ironside using his golems and tries to escape with Anne. Ironside attacks them with magic but fails to cause any harm. Anne’s father, the city’s leader, becomes enraged with the Chaos Knight for this failure.

The remaining fragment is found by Anne’s family maid, who is revealed to be a spy for Ironside. Now, they must hurry to break the relic and stop Ironside from slaughtering everyone in the city, a necessary step to activate it.

Nasiens and his friends confront Ironside. Nasiens helps Anne by imbuing her sword with his paralysis poison, causing the Chaos Knight to lose his grip on his weapon. This enrages Ironside, who unleashes a powerful attack, scattering explosive particles around Percival’s group. The battle continues with Nasiens supporting Percival by believing in him, which boosts Percival’s power.

Nasiens in kant arc

Nasiens during the kant arc

During this arc, Nasiens tries to buy a medicine bottle but fails to find it. The group gathers for accommodations but finds that Anghalhad has spent all their gold on shopping. Sin tells her to return everything to get the money back. Meanwhile, Nasiens and Donny meet Donny’s uncle, Howzer, at a pub. Howzer doubts the group’s ability to handle the fragment of eternal darkness and takes it.

Nasiens challenges Howzer to a drinking contest, suspecting something strange about the town where all product prices are the same. He realizes the town’s goods are stolen. Later, Nasiens uses Misty Rain to put bandits to sleep, but Edlin, Donny’s brother, avoids it and knocks Nasiens out.

The tavern owner, Taizoo, reveals that Edlin holds a dragon cub hostage, forcing the ancient dragon to obey. Nasiens cares for the cub while Percival defeats the dragon, resolving the situation peacefully.

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