In The Seven Deadly Sins anime, there’s a powerful group known as The Ten Commandments. Much like the Seven Deadly Sins, they each have unique powers and backstory. However, these Commandments aren’t based on moral rules; instead, they’re more like curses that affect anyone who breaks them.
They are led by Zeldris and play a crucial role in the storyline as enemies of the Seven Deadly Sins. Here’s a look at each of the Ten Commandments, their abilities, and how their powers work.
1. Zeldris – Commandment of Piety

Zeldris, the leader of the Ten Commandments and younger brother to Meliodas, wields the Commandment of Piety, which forces anyone who turns their back on him to become his slave. A loyal son to the Demon King, Zeldris is stoic, serious, and driven by a deep sense of duty to his family and kingdom. However, beneath his cold demeanor, he harbors a tragic love for Gelda, a vampire princess, which humanizes him. His fierce loyalty to his father is tested by his love for Gelda and his bond with Meliodas, creating an intersection character torn between duty and personal desires.
2. Estarossa – Commandment of Love

Estarossa, one of the most tragic figures in the series, holds the Commandment of Love, which causes anyone who harbors hatred to lose their strength. He is initially portrayed as a calm and peaceful figure, but his true nature is far more unstable and darker. His obsession with Elizabeth, his confusion about his identity, and his complicated relationship with Meliodas make him a deeply layered character. Estarossa’s descent into madness as he grapples with his repressed memories reveals his fragile mental state, which becomes an important part of the Holy War arc.
3. Galand – Commandment of Truth

Galand embodies the Commandment of Truth, where anyone who lies in his presence is turned to stone. A brash, bloodthirsty warrior, Galand loves combat and takes great pride in his strength. He enjoys challenging opponents and has a straightforward, no-nonsense attitude. Despite his fearsome appearance and raw power, Galand often underestimates his enemies, leading to his downfall. His straightforward personality is a good fit with his commandment, as those who try to deceive him suffer a fatal consequence.
4. Melascula – Commandment of Faith

Melascula controls the Commandment of Faith, which punishes those who lose faith by sealing their soul away. She is a manipulative and cunning member of the Ten Commandments, specializing in controlling souls and summoning the dead. Often taking the form of a snake, Melascula’s sinister personality aligns with her commandment, as she delights in trapping her enemies in hopeless situations. Her arrogance and belief in the absolute power of demons often blind her to the possibility of defeat, though she faces several humbling moments when confronted by the Seven Deadly Sins.
5. Monspeet – Commandment of Reticence

Monspeet wields the Commandment of Reticence, which silences anyone who expresses hidden feelings. In contrast to his curse, Monspeet is thoughtful, reserved, and unusually polite for a demon. His deep, unspoken affection for Derieri, another member of the Ten Commandments, highlights his personal struggle with his own commandment. Monspeet’s calm and strategic nature contrasts with the more impulsive and violent personalities within the group, making him a more introspective figure. His sacrifice for Derieri reveals his capacity for love, marking a rare emotional moment among the otherwise ruthless demons.
6. Derieri – Commandment of Purity

Derieri carries the Commandment of Purity, which punishes those who commit impure actions in an unspecified manner. She’s pretty hot-headed, yet surprisingly, she enforces her commandment well. In the Holy War 3,000 years ago, she witnessed numerous demons, including her own sister, being eliminated by the Goddess Clan, which explains her aggressive nature.
After a while, she didn’t even want to be part of the Holy War anymore. We also see more moral actions from her past, including saving a Goddess Clan member named Mael, even though she killed Monspeet, the most important and supportive person to Derieri.
7. Gloxinia – Commandment of Repose

Gloxinia, the first Fairy King, holds the Commandment of Repose, which weakens the magic of anyone who fights with a restless heart or mind. Ironically, his commandment contrasts with his behavior. His downfall began when he mistakenly thought that a human named Rou had killed his sister. In reality, Rou saved her. However, because Gloxinia couldn’t control his emotions and analyze the situation, he eliminated Rou in a fit of rage.
Through the story, Gloxinia realizes his mistake and works to better control his emotions. To make things even more poignant, Rou returns in the form of Oslo to watch over Gloxinia’s sister. In the end, Gloxinia finally finds tranquility and lives up to the essence of his commandment, achieving the balance he once struggled to maintain.
8. Drole – Commandment of Patience

Drole, also known as the Giant King, wields the Commandment of Patience, which punishes those who act impatiently by removing their strength. As a former king of the Giant Clan, Drole is calm and composed, valuing strength and wisdom in battle. Like Gloxinia, Drole joined the Ten Commandments after losing faith in the Goddess Clan. His immense size and ability to control the earth make him a powerful adversary, but his reflective nature and search for purpose show a deeper, more philosophical side to his character.
9. Grayroad – Commandment of Pacifism

Grayroad’s Commandment of Pacifism punishes anyone who kills in her presence by rapidly aging them until death. That’s why he doesn’t necessarially need to engane in fights, he uses this ability to be in a guaranteed win situation, where nobody can hurt him or his allies. Her appareance is very unique and scary, like a big mass full of weird faces. Talking about appearance, she can still take the appearance of other person
As if that wasn’t enough, she can still create a network of eggs that can transform anyone into demon soldiers who will fight for her. This puts her enemies in a complicated situation because they cannot fight back against those soldiers. However, since the soldiers have no rationality, they’ll just automatically attack Grayroad’s enemies without caring about the consequences. So, her enemies can only run (unless it’s Merlin).
10. Fraudrin – Commandment of Selflessness

Fraudrin holds the Commandment of Selflessness, which causes anyone who acts out of selfishness to lose their sense of self. Unlike the other Commandments, Fraudrin is not an original member; he took Gowther’s place. His Commandment is ironic when compared to his personality, as he commits numerous atrocities throughout the story. However, Nakaba found an effective way to evoke sympathy for him in his death. He did justice for the name of his Commandment by stopping his plan to self-destruct along with Liones, in order to spare Dreyfus’s son, Griamore.