Zenitsu is a Demon Slayer, part of the Corps dedicated to eradicating demons and protecting humanity. He’s a Thunder Breathing user, a fighting style that uses lightning-fast strikes to take down enemies in one powerful move. Funny enough, for a guy terrified of, well, everything, he’s surprisingly good at it. Over time, Zenitsu becomes one of the Corps’ strongest fighters, though it takes a lot of personal growth and some serious emotional battles to get there.
Personality Traits

If you had to sum up Zenitsu’s personality in one word, “fearful” would be the obvious choice. The guy spends half his time literally shaking with terror, convinced he’s going to die any minute. But there’s more to him than his fear:
- Constant Fear: Zenitsu is always scared. He dreads fighting demons and would rather find a safe corner to hide in. Honestly, he’d be thrilled if he never had to draw his sword again.
- Self-Doubt: He doesn’t just think he’s weak, he’s convinced of it. Zenitsu’s inner monologue is full of self-criticism, and he doubts he has what it takes to be a real hero.
- Loyalty and Bravery: Surprisingly, though, Zenitsu is also fiercely loyal. If his friends are in danger, he’ll push through his fears to protect them. He might be terrified, but when it counts, he steps up.
- Hopeless Romantic: Zenitsu falls head-over-heels for Nezuko Kamado, Tanjiro’s demon sister, the moment he meets her. His feelings for her are comically over-the-top, but it’s genuine and gives him a lot of courage when he needs it.
Zenitsu’s Backstory

Zenitsu’s life wasn’t easy from the start. He lost his family young and was taken in by Jigoro Kuwajima, a former Thunder Hashira (think: one of the elite Demon Slayers). Jigoro saw potential in Zenitsu, even if Zenitsu himself could barely see it. At one point, Zenitsu got struck by lightning, which turned his hair from black to bright yellow. This dramatic change wasn’t just physical, it’s almost symbolic of the way Zenitsu is forced to adapt and find strength in the face of terrifying odds.
Zenitsu also trained alongside a fellow student, Kaigaku, who would eventually betray their master and side with the demons. Kaigaku’s betrayal hits Zenitsu hard. He looked up to their mentor as a father figure, so seeing Kaigaku turn to darkness is both painful and infuriating. When Zenitsu has to confront Kaigaku later, it becomes a defining moment in his journey, symbolizing the shift from self-doubt to self-belief.
Zenitsu’s Abilities and Fighting Style

Zenitsu Agatsuma’s primary attack, Thunderclap and Flash, is rooted in the Breath of Thunder, one of the many breathing techniques used by demon slayers to enhance their abilities. This technique involves an explosive burst of speed that enables Zenitsu to close the distance between himself and his enemy in a literal flash, landing a devastating strike before they have time to react.

Zenitsu channels his breathing to build up an immense amount of speed and power, focusing all his energy into a single movement. When he initiates this technique, Zenitsu’s body moves so quickly that he seems to teleport briefly, appearing instantly in front of his target to deliver a lethal, lightning-fast slash with his sword.
Advanced Versions: Sixfold, Eightfold, and Godspeed
Over time, Zenitsu learns to push Thunderclap and Flash to new heights, refining it into advanced versions with greater speed and power.
- Sixfold and Eightfold:
- Sixfold and Eightfold are enhancements to the original Thunderclap and Flash, where Zenitsu repeats the attack six or eight times in rapid succession, without losing momentum or speed. These variations demand extreme physical endurance, precision, and stamina, as each successive strike must maintain the same level of speed and strength as the initial move.
- Godspeed:
- Godspeed is the ultimate form of Thunderclap and Flash, a refined version of the technique that pushes Zenitsu’s speed beyond his normal limits. When using Godspeed, Zenitsu moves so quickly that even experienced demons struggle to react or counter his attacks.
- This technique involves an intense surge of energy, honed through advanced breathing control, allowing Zenitsu to achieve almost instantaneous movement. Godspeed is, however, extremely taxing on Zenitsu’s body; it drains his energy rapidly, and overuse can lead to severe fatigue, muscle strain, or even injury.
- Unconscious Combat Mode:
- One of the most fascinating things about Zenitsu is that he fights best when he’s passed out. Yep, when fear overwhelms him and he faints, his subconscious takes over, letting him fight with zero hesitation. In this state, Zenitsu is calm, analitic, and fearless, everything he wishes he could be when he’s awake.
Zenitsu’s Love for Nezuko Kamado

Zenitsu falls hard and fast for Tanjiro’s sister, even though she’s, well, a demon. His feelings for her are mostly played for laughs, Zenitsu is constantly daydreaming about marrying her, despite the fact that she hardly even speaks. Still, his love for Nezuko isn’t just a joke; it’s a source of strength for him. In some of his toughest moments, Zenitsu thinks of her, and it gives him the courage he needs to keep fighting. His love for Nezuko reflects his longing for companionship and his extremelly loyal heart.
What Does the Name “Zenitsu” Mean?
Zenitsu’s name actually has some interesting meanings that tie into his character:
- “Zen” (善) translates to “goodness” or “virtue,” which captures Zenitsu’s genuinely good nature, even if he’s flawed and insecure.
- “Itsu” (逸) can mean “excellence” or “outstanding,” hinting at his hidden potential that emerges when he’s pushed to his limits.