Chrollo Lucilfer observing Neon Nostrade using her Specialist Nen ability

What is Specialist Nen?

Simply put, Specialist Nen is a type of ability that doesn’t fit neatly into the other five Nen categories (Enhancement, Emission, Manipulation, Transmutation, and Conjuration). Specialists are different because their abilities are often personal and one-of-a-kind. They don’t follow common rules and often involve things that don’t make sense within the traditional Nen framework. Specialists are also the rarest type of Nen users.

The Water Divination Test for Specialists

To identify someone’s Nen category, they perform the Water Divination Test. For most Nen users, the water reacts in specific ways, depending on their type. For example, Enhancers make the water overflow, and Manipulators can make the leaf floating on the water move.

But for a Specialist, the water changes in an unexpected way. The result isn’t tied to any of the usual categories, it can vary wildly. The water might turn a different color, emit a strange light, or behave in ways that are unique to the user.

Neferpitou water divination test

Taking the example of a specialist chimera ant, such as Neferpitou, the leaf withered and turned to pieces.

Notable Specialist Abilities

Kurapika’s Emperor Time

Kurapika's Emperor time representation

Let’s put Kurapika’s Emperor Time ability in simple terms. When his eyes turn scarlet, he shifts into a Specialist. This allows him to use every category of Nen at 100% power, which is something no other character can do.

Chrollo Lucilfer’s Skill Hunter

Chrollo using skill hunter

Chrollo, the leader of the Phantom Troupe, has an ability called Skill Hunter. He can steal the Nen abilities of others and use them as his own. Once stolen, the abilities are stored in a book, which he carries around.

Chrollo has to meet several strict conditions before he can steal someone’s ability:

These conditions make Skill Hunter difficult to execute, but it becomes extremely powerful once accomplished. This ability suits Chrollo well, given his genius; with the right planning, he can easily meet these conditions.

Neon Nostrade’s Lovely Ghostwriter

Neon Nostrade using lovely ghostwriter

Neon Nostrade has a unique Specialist ability called Lovely Ghostwriter. She predicts the future by writing prophecies as poems. While it’s not a combat ability, it holds immense value in political and criminal circles. Interestingly, the predictions can be avoided if someone who has access to them actively works to change the outcome.

Leol’s Rental Pod

Leol using his nen ability in hunter x hunter

Leol, a Chimera Ant, has the Specialist ability called Rental Pod. He can “borrow” someone else’s Nen ability and use it for himself, but only for a limited time. I dare to say it’s the worst version of Chrollo’s Skill Hunter.

Meleoron’s God’s Accomplice

Meleoron using his nen ability to turn invisible

Meleoron, another Chimera Ant, has a Specialist ability called God’s Accomplice. It allows him to turn completely invisible, and he can even make anyone he touches invisible as well.

Alluka Zoldyck’s Wish Granting (Nanika)

Alluka Wish Granting ability, through her alternate personality Nanika, is one of the most dangerous powers in the series. Nanika can grant any wish, but it comes with dangerous conditions.

Why Specialist Abilities Are So Powerful

Specialists are strong because their abilities are tough to predict. Unlike Enhancers, whose powers are often straightforward and rely on raw strength, Specialists have abilities that don’t follow clear patterns. With Enhancers, you usually know what to expect, they hit harder, get tougher, or boost their physical abilities. But with Specialists, you never know what you’re up against.

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