What is transmutation?

Transmutation is the Nen type based on altering the properties of the user’s aura to mimic other substances or forces. Think of it as taking raw aura, which is essentially an invisible life energy, and transforming it into something completely different. It could be something tangible, like rubber or electricity, or even intangible concepts like pain or luck.

Two well-known Transmuters are Killua Zoldyck, who transmutes his aura into electricity, and Hisoka, who turns his aura into a sticky, elastic substance called Bungee Gum. Both characters utilize this category in wildly different ways, showcasing the broad potential of the ability.

How Transmutation Works

A key part of Transmutation lies in visualization and training. For a Transmuter, the more they can mentally connect with the material or force they wish to emulate, the stronger their transmuted aura becomes. It’s not a random transformation; it requires a deep connection or familiarity with the object or concept they’re mimicking.

Killua, for example, spent years conditioning his body to handle electricity, allowing him to effortlessly turn his aura into lightning. His connection to this element gave him an advantage in learning and mastering it quickly. Hisoka, on the other hand, created a substance unique to him, with his Bungee Gum having properties of both rubber and gum, a quirky yet highly effective ability when used with ingenuity.

This versatility means that Transmuters can adapt to a variety of combat situations. If they can think it, they can often create it, provided they’ve developed the skill and discipline to control their aura appropriately.

Advantages of Being a Transmuter

Unpredictability: Transmuters are perhaps the most unpredictable fighters. Their abilities aren’t immediately obvious, which can catch opponents off guard. They can bend the rules of combat by shifting the nature of their aura into unexpected forms.

Versatility in Combat: Transmuters are rarely one-trick ponies. They can adjust their abilities to suit the situation at hand. Killua’s electricity not only boosts his physical speed but can also be used to paralyze opponents, while Hisoka’s Bungee Gum lets him combine strength, deception, and ranged attacks all at once. This adaptability makes them dangerous in nearly any scenario.

Creative Problem Solving: With the ability to transform aura into nearly anything they can imagine, Transmuters are often highly creative, utilizing their powers in unconventional ways. It forces them to think outside the box, leading to clever strategies that more straightforward Nen users may struggle to anticipate.

Disadvantages of Being a Transmuter

Steep Learning Curve: Transmuters can have amazing abilities, but learning to master them is really hard. It often takes a lot of personal experience or physical training, like Killua’s use of electricity, to make their power work well in a fight. Not every Transmuter has a natural talent for their chosen form, which can limit their potential.

Dependent on Creativity: Sometimes, a Transmuter’s success depends on how creative they are. If they can’t think of new ways to use their abilities, they might become predictable or lose to stronger Nen types like Enhancement or Emission, which are more focused on raw power.

Limited Direct Power: Transmutation doesn’t give users instant strong abilities. It’s more like a tool, and how effective it is depends on how it’s used. A Transmuter who doesn’t think smart might find their abilities weaker than those of an Enhancer, who can directly boost their strength and toughness. They need to mix strategy with the unique features of their abilities.

1. Machi Komacine – Nen Threads

Machi using nen stitches

Machi, a member of the Phantom Troupe, uses her transmuted aura to create Nen threads, almost invisible strands that are strong, flexible, and incredibly versatile. These threads have two primary uses:

  • Medical Sewing: Machi can stitch up deep wounds with her Nen threads, repairing severe injuries in mere moments. She even uses this ability on herself after intense battles. It’s an unusual yet highly effective healing technique, making her invaluable to the Troupe in dangerous situations.
  • Trap Setting and Restraint: She can extend her Nen threads over long distances, laying traps or restraining opponents. One of her most remarkable feats was when she tracked Hisoka with her threads, using them to follow him across a vast area. She can also manipulate the threads in combat to tie up enemies or restrict their movements.

Machi’s ability to transmute her aura into threads gives her incredible utility both offensively and defensively. She can heal allies, set up intricate traps, and even control the battlefield in subtle ways.

The threads, while strong, aren’t suited for direct combat on their own. Machi’s power shines when used creatively, but in a brute-force brawl, she might be at a disadvantage without other offensive measures.

2. Killua Zoldyck – Electric Aura

Killua transmuting his aura into electricity

Killua, one of the series’ protagonists, transmutes his aura into electricity, a powerful and flashy ability that suits his speed and assassin training. His electricity-based abilities include:

  • Godspeed (Kanmuru): Killua uses this technique to supercharge his reflexes, allowing his body to move at lightning speed, literally. With Godspeed, Killua can react to and evade attacks faster than most can even perceive. It turns him into a near-unstoppable blur in combat.
  • Thunderbolt and Lightning Palm: Killua can generate powerful electric shocks through his hands, electrocuting opponents with direct physical contact. He uses this both as an offensive strike and to incapacitate enemies by paralyzing them with shocks.

Killua’s electrical transmutation dramatically boosts his speed and reflexes, making him nearly untouchable in close combat. It also gives him powerful offensive capabilities, allowing him to disable opponents without needing to rely on raw physical strength.

Despite its speed and power, Killua’s electrical abilities are taxing. Using Godspeed for extended periods wears him down, and there are limits to how long he can maintain this form. Additionally, his electricity is less effective against certain types of Nen users who can withstand or negate the effects of lightning.

3. Hisoka Morow – Bungee Gum

Hisoka using bungee gum

Hisoka’s Bungee Gum is one of the most iconic transmutation abilities in Hunter x Hunter. Hisoka transmutes his aura into a substance with the properties of both rubber and gum, a perfect metaphor for his unpredictable and elastic personality. His ability includes:

  • Elasticity: Hisoka can stretch his aura like gum, attaching it to objects or people at long distances and then pulling them back or controlling their movements.
  • Adhesion: Hisoka can stick his Bungee Gum to opponents or objects without them noticing, setting up traps or pulling off surprise attacks. He uses this to manipulate his environment, pull enemies toward him, or fling himself to safety.

Bungee Gum’s versatility makes Hisoka a wild card in any fight. It’s nearly invisible to opponents, allowing for subtle control of the battlefield. He can use it both defensively and offensively, adding deception to his combat style.

Bungee Gum lacks direct power. It’s a tricky, strategic ability, but it doesn’t have the same destructive force as more straightforward Nen techniques. Hisoka’s success with Bungee Gum depends heavily on his intelligence and creativity, which leaves him vulnerable to raw strength or overwhelming power.

4. Feitan Portor – Pain Packer: Rising Sun

Feitan using his transmutation ability

Feitan, another Phantom Troupe member, uses Pain Packer, an ability that’s closely tied to his sadistic personality and pain tolerance. Feitan’s transmutation ability creates a miniature sun, but it’s far more complex than it sounds:

  • Transmutation of Pain into Aura: The ability allows Feitan to convert the damage and pain he’s suffered into aura, which he then transmutes into a searing hot miniature sun known as Rising Sun. The more damage Feitan takes, the more powerful and destructive the sun becomes, incinerating anything within its radius.
  • Immunity to Heat: Feitan himself becomes immune to the extreme heat generated by the Rising Sun, allowing him to unleash the ability without suffering the consequences.

Feitan’s ability is a devastating counterattack mechanism. The more punishment he absorbs, the deadlier his transmuted sun becomes. In protracted battles, this makes him a terrifying opponent, as his power scales with the damage he endures.

Pain Packer is highly situational. Feitan needs to be injured for it to work, so if he’s unable to take significant damage, the ability never reaches its full potential. It also takes time to manifest, leaving Feitan vulnerable while he’s waiting for enough pain to build up.

5. Menthuthuyoupi – Rage Transformation

Menthuthuyoupi, one of Meruem’s Royal Guards, is a unique example of a Transmuter who combines his natural monstrous strength with Nen. His ability revolves around transforming his aura into pure, shape-shifting rage:

  • Transmutation of Rage: Youpi can change his physical form depending on his emotional state, particularly when he’s angry. His body can grow larger, sprout additional limbs, or even release devastating explosions. His anger fuels his aura, turning him into an unstoppable, constantly evolving force of nature.
  • Explosive Aura Beams: He can transmute his rage into destructive energy blasts, making him dangerous at both close and long-range combat.

Youpi’s transmutation ability is highly destructive. It allows him to adapt to any combat situation, whether through increased physical strength, size, or sheer destructive power. His shape-shifting aura makes him incredibly hard to predict and even harder to fight.

His transmutation is tied directly to his emotions, particularly his anger. This can make him reckless and cause him to lose control in combat. His rage-fueled transformations also lack subtlety, making them brute force solutions rather than strategic ones.

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