conjurers from hunter x hunter

Conjuration is a Nen type that involves creating objects with aura, which can be seen by non-Nen users. The effectiveness of a conjuration ability depends on how cleverly the user designs it. This is why it’s crucial for a conjurer to carefully consider what they will create and what properties or conditions the object will have. Because of this, Conjuration can sometimes seem weak, while at other times, it can be incredibly strong.

An ability that involves creating simple objects like a sword or a gun is almost useless because you could easily use real ones without spending any Nen. However, you shouldn’t stray too far from reality. A good conjurer should work cleverly within what’s possible, maximizing the potential of the ability, usually through Nen restrictions, to create something that meets their needs.

Conjuration for combat

Conjuration is one of the most difficult categories to be effective in during combat. Since aura is essential for defense, using a lot of it to conjure an object weakens your defensive capabilities with Ken. For those unfamiliar, Ken is the Nen form that surrounds the user’s body with aura, providing a protective layer against attacks.

How Not to Use Conjuration

Cheetu’s Use of Nen

cheetah from hunter x hunter with his conjured crossbow

Cheetu, a Chimera Ant and natural conjurer, had immense potential to create a powerful conjuration ability due to his large aura reserve. However, he ended up making one of the worst Nen abilities ever. His ability involved conjuring a simple crossbow. Besides the fact that he could have just used a real crossbow, his conjured one was slower than his own speed.

Do you think he stopped there? No, he also has a Hatsu that activates when he makes physical contact with someone, taking both of them to a conjured pocket dimension. In this dimension, the other person must make physical contact with him within eight hours to escape and avoid something from happening. What’s amusing is that even Cheetu doesn’t know what will happen if the condition isn’t met. And not satisfied with just that, he added a condition that if caught using this ability once, he could never use it again. Unfortunately for him, this happened when he first used it against Morel, so he used it once and can never do it again.

How to Use Conjuration

Kite’s Crazy Slots

Kite from hunter x hunter with a conjured scythe

Kite’s ability, Crazy Slots, conjures nine different weapons. The first restriction is that he cannot choose which weapon he’ll get, it’s up to luck and decided by a roulette. Each weapon is suited for specific situations. For example, his conjured Scythe, called “Silent Waltz,” can only be used to generate a circular slash, attacking everything around Kite.

Kurapika’s Chains

Kurapika using his conjured chains

Kurapika is an excellent example of Nen mastery. He can conjure five chains, each attached to one of his fingers, and each chain has a unique function. One serves as both a lie detector and a defensive tool, another is used for healing, and one even allows him to take other people’s Nen abilities. For more details on his abilities, you can check out another post where I explain them all.

Conjuration For Support

Kortopi using gallery fake

Kortopi is a pure conjurer, and his main ability, Gallery Fake, allows him to create inanimate copies of anything he touches. These copied objects are an extension of his En. This ability is clearly meant for support, as it shows little use in direct combat. Gallery Fake is impressive and underrated.

Kurapika’s training revealed how much effort is needed to conjure a single object, and Kortopi had enough aura to sustain many copies. The main weakness of this Hatsu is that the copies disappear after one day. However, this doesn’t matter much considering how Kortopi and the Phantom Troupe use it. This well-designed ability highlights Kortopi’s skill as a world-class conjurer, even though he’s not shown to be a strong fighter.


Shizuku and Blinky

Shizuku can summon a Nen beast called Blinky, which functions like a vacuum cleaner. It can absorb anything that isn’t a living being or made of Nen. For example, it can’t directly suck up any of Kortopi’s conjured objects. There’s no limit to how much it can absorb, and Blinky can vomit up the last thing it absorbed whenever Shizuku wants.

Additional Conjuration Abilities

Knuckle’s APR

APR a conjured nen beast from hunterxhunter

Knuckle’s Hatsu involves conjuring an indestructible Nen beast called APR. Once he successfully lands a hit on his target, APR attaches to them, and Knuckle starts lending his aura to his opponent. When the amount of lent aura surpasses the opponent’s remaining total aura, APR prevents them from using their aura for the next thirty days.

Basho’s Great Haiku

Basho holding a sheet of paper with a poem written on it.

This ability, called Great Haiku, allows its wielder, Basho, to turn almost anything he writes in a poem into reality. It has a restriction, and its power depends on how much Haiku believes in the quality of the poem, since he often doubts his work, this limitation makes sense and keeps this hatsu from being overpowered. Still, it’s clear that Great Haiku has incredible potential.

Genthru’s countdown

Genthru, the main villain of the Greed Island arc, is a conjurer with two main abilities: Countdown and Little Flower. Countdown allows him to place a conjured bomb on anyone, but it comes with three conditions. He must make physical contact with the person, say the word “bomb,” and explain how the ability works, including its conditions. After meeting these conditions, the countdown begins, taking one hour and forty minutes to reach zero.

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